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Project Title




Print l Editorial Design

bg2birdmagazine testWITHBETTERBG.png

Case Study

BIRD’S WORLD is a quarterly print and digital magazine focused on a different bird each issue, with articles relating to everything bird related. Unlike other bird magazine, BIRD’S WORLD has informative in-depth articles that teach about a different bird every issue. 


Target Audience

Bird watchers and bird fans in the age range of 35-70 years old.


Design Problem

My objective for this project was to design a bird themed magazine that’s both informative and visually appealing with a balance between text and images. Bird magazines often have an abundance of photographs but lack textual information. I wanted to create a magazine that has informative articles to accompany the beautiful pictorial images. 


Design Process

I designed the masthead, then sketched out layout ideas of what I wanted my article spreads to look like and researched all about the Bewick's Wren. I created a color palette inspired by images of the Bewick's Wren. Based on my concept sketches, I created three master page guides in InDesign for page numbers, article start pages, and mid-article spreads.


Design Solution

The magazine has a professional published look. The magazine is bird themed on every page from advertisements to the table of contents in either pictures or bird glyphs. The color palette gives a natural look to the magazine  and is easy on the eyes when reading the lengthy articles. For the magazine’s article typeface, I went with Times which gave it a professional look and made it easy to read perfect for older readers. To give the articles a more interesting look I chose the typeface Maecenas for headers and paired it with Century Gothic for the sub-headers for variety 



Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign,

Adobe photoshop (Image editing)

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